Sarah Di

About this site + me

Hey, my name is Sarah Di.

Whether you've stumbled onto this site by chance or by choice, welcome! This digital space is home to most of my projects, though the best way to stay up-to-date with my shenanigans is on Twitter!



I play an ancient Chinese instrument called the Guzheng, and have performed as an artist of the Washington Guzheng Society. I’ve performed from private homes to public live broadcasts and even at Carnegie Hall, and have been certified by the China Conservatory of Music as a Level 10 guzheng artist.

The guzheng, also known as the Chinese zither, is a 21-string table harp. You play it by plucking the strings with picks taped to your fingers. You can also change the sound by pressing down on strings for vibrato or by where you pluck on the instrument. Some more contemporary pieces employ slapping and knocking on the guzheng which can be more rhythmically fun!

Check out my Soundcloud or Youtube channel for more recordings.


I’m a college senior at Carnegie Mellon University in the BXA program studying computer science and art with a concentration in electronic and time based media. I am interested in the intersection of art and technology.


Me in Prof. Golan Levin's Drawing with Machines class (2021)

(plz ignore my poor posture XD)

Site Acknowledgements

This site was created with Gatsby.

In the past, I coded this site with the help of Bootstrap's handy dandy grid system. All illustrations, favicons, animations, and thumbnails were done by yours truly (me :O). Note that this site is constantly under construction, as I continually upload works/change visual aspects of the website that I feel look outdated/clunky so apologies if the site looks the way it looks!

This website uses the classy typeface Sacramento (designed by Astigmatic) for the headers and the ultra sleek typeface Work Sans (designed by Wei Huang) for body text. I also make use of Fanwood Text (designed by Barry Schwartz). This website was created with the help of Github Pages!

Opinions expressed here are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.

© 2022 Sarah Di ♡